Tuesday, November 25, 2014

There is a serious issue with the words "TRY" and "But"

Imagine yourself sitting on a desk or wherever you are and put your cell phone a bit far away from you. Now I would tell you to try to pick up the cell phone. Hey listen!! I did not tell you to pick up the cell phone, I just mentioned that TRY to pick up the cell phone.
You must have realized by now that actually you could try to pick up the cell phone by sitting at your desks the whole day and still not pick it up. Try is a state of mind which takes you to the world of inactivity and self doubt. The unconscious mind does not actually understand the word TRY. It is imperative that you either do something or you do not do something. If you would have observed successful people you would have realized that to succeed either you can do something or not do something, and you can really cannot achieve anything by trying to do something. The moment you move to the TRY zone, your mind is filled with self doubt and thereby your conscious mind will struggle to achieve the goals which you may have set for yourself. Though the above philosophy does counter the famous quote "Try Try again till you succeed" and I appreciate all the other quotes which pushes us to TRY. In the given context though I feel it is important we start doing and stop trying.Start avoiding using TRY in your actions and see the wonder.

BUT is a word which actually I term it as a WALL CREATOR. It is very common to use BUT in our daily conversations and it is more so often when there is a disagreement. The word is also used extensively while giving feedback which are not so positive. We promptly mention the good part first and then we proceed with a BUT and we mention the negatives. The word BUT creates a wall between the two phrases and thus it negates all that is said before the word BUT and only emphasizes the phrase which is said after. In a negotiation or a disagreement when you say that " I agree to your viewpoint but..." the person who is listening to you get a clear message that you never agreed and thus the rapport breaks down. Instead of BUT you can start using a conjunction which I term as BUILD BRIDGES and the magic word is a simple AND. The same example above can be rephrased as "I agree to your viewpoint about the current issue and I was also considering that this ...." or may be "I appreciate your efforts on the job and I would also like you consider the following ....". As you can see, in these examples you are not completely negating the individual's views but also convincing him/her to appreciate your views too. It would be difficult initially and with practice you can be an expert. Build rapport, have great communications and have great success.

Build yourself to "handle" difficult periods of your life

In the perspective of Life, Change is the only constant. It is inevitable that there would be positive and negative events in life as that is the nature of life. If one would delve a bit deeper and understand even our heart beats in ups and downs and in case the heartbeat becomes a straight line then medically the person is no more alive. It is a known fact that in life difficult periods are bound to appear but it is for us to understand that these difficult periods are actually the outer crusts for change that must take place for the greater good of one’s life.
If negative trends occur, it is more important how we handle them than whether we try to eliminate them totally from our life. It is natural that people panic during these situations, believing that his or her life is coming unraveled but if one can believe in oneself and the have believe in the higher mind then the same person instead will “handle” the trend and in the end, this negative trend will have produced positive benefits.
It is easy to think positively about one’s life when in a positive trend and it is more important to continue to think positively when there are negative trends. One should realize that to yield to negativity will create further negativity and delay the change for the greater good that is taking place. Therefore, whenever there seems to be a negative or difficult trend in your life, this is the time to test your spiritual power.
The first step is not to allow your thinking to become negative about yourself and life – no matter what! You must keep your thoughts positive by realizing that you are going through a transitional period, which appears, on the surface to be negative or destructive. The only thing that is being destroyed is the “old” in your life, to clear the way for even greater good in your life. One would realize sooner or later this period would transition into something bigger and better.
In the midst of a difficult or negative trend in your life, take more time than ever to program your mind with positive thought patterns. Along with keeping your surface thinking positive, you should be programming your subconscious mind daily with thoughts that will cause the difficult trend to pass more quickly, resulting in greater benefits in the future.
You should also take time to enter into deep meditation each day to maintain peace, and for inner renewal and regeneration through contact with your innermost spiritual nature.
Your own self analysis to "handle" negative trends:
Self analysis can help to stimulate insight and intuition from one’s sub-conscious mind, in bringing realization of the causes behind a negative trend and direction how to bring about a positive new trend in life as a result. Ask the following question of yourself.
  • What in my thinking has brought about the present trend?
  • What in my thinking can be changed to bring about a positive new trend?
  • What at this time needs to be eliminated from my life and what needs to be added to it?
  • What in my life no longer serves me as it once did? A job, a relationship, an avocation, a life-style … what?
  • What is my Inner Self trying to tell me about making positive new changes in my life?

Live Life!! Live for the moment!!Choose to live better than ever!!

Friday, September 5, 2014

Eliminating Weakness - The spiritual perspective

The day the Universe was created, from that day onwards nature has evolved itself and has been in continuous pursuit of perfection and excellence. Nature has been successful in all its creation and wherever it has not been able to achieve the same it has restructured or demolished the same. Universal Mind/ GOD have never failed and thus the Higher Mind also can never fail. Every individual being a part of GOD/ Universal Mind has natural success in built in them. It’s the perceived weaknesses in the people’s mind that actually brings them down towards failures or to be more specific towards negativity. It is more important to confront this negativity and fight this negativity out of the mind to take control of one and move towards success. The energy of weakness takes control of the human mind so much so that the success drive mechanisms fail to function. It is this controlling overpowering negative energy that drives people into self-defeating actions which puts in obstacles to gain success and achievements. The best way to take control of the overpowering negative energy is to create a confrontation between the negative power and your GOD Mind or Universal Mind. If one has faith and belief in oneself then it is imperative that he/she can surrender to the Universal Mind and help it to take charge and overcome the negative powers and thereby eliminating any weaknesses that might exist in the conscious mind. Weaknesses are un-evolved habit patterns of mental energy within the subconscious mind that surface to one’s conscious mental activity in an attempt to control one’s mind and nervous system. God-Power is the unlimited healing, transforming and eternally present primal energy power “centered” in the mind that has All-Power to directly confront and eliminate the hold of negative weakness energies emerging from one’s subconscious. Whenever any weakness energy enters the mind, call within to the Universal God-Center of the mind, which contains the God-Power Presence of the Universe. Make a direct God-Power confrontation affirmation and thereby eliminate weakness. Live Life!!!

Monday, June 9, 2014

Get to your "WHY"

There are times in our lives where we come to the cross roads and stop, trying to figure out the next move. In this kind of situation we mostly take the easy recourse to ask for advice or may be rely on the gut feel. It needs to be remembered during any choices that we make for our lives are actually going to directly affect our lives and thus relying on other advice or gut feel might not lead to a positive result.
It is important to remember the following equation:

           ∑  Past Choices + Present Choices  = Future + e

          where "e" is external factors which will affect your life.

Thus if you may understand that it is important to get your choices right. It also needs to be noted here that we do not have any control on our past choices which we have made and thus it is important that we take the right present choices which would actually make the future. It would also be true that due to certain past choices which you may have made, you might not be able to take some of your present choices and thus its a summation of the past and present. Thus choices and that too right one is important.

At this kind of situation, it is important to search for the "WHY". In most of our lives we are very confident about our "WHAT" and the "HOW" but most of the times we ignore the "WHY". I was once having a discussion with one of my clients , and I asked what is the reason you are doing this particular job/work. I got the answer that it was because of money. Then I asked why would you like to earn money. The answer was prompt "better life for me and my family". But I was kind of irritating and asked why would you want to give a better life for yourself and your family. The answer was again very straight "they are my biggest priority". I asked if they are your biggest priority then why would be they your biggest priority. I got a very irritated answer "why just can't you get it, because i love them". I exclaimed and said "wow, you love them and its love which is important then where is money coming here". All you may know they just want you home by evening and not working till midnight and they might not get to talk to you or even see you for that matter, do they really want your money or you.

Its very important to get to the "WHY". Deep , deep within the answers lies of purpose. The purpose of everything we do. Most of the times we get confused with the what (money, vacation, house, and etc) and the how (work, business, savings...) but then we never get to the why we are doing what we are doing. The "WHY" should become the core of all the decisions we take in life and once we realize the "WHY", making choices becomes so much easier. The only person who can actually discover the why is us, ourselves. Its not about what we do and how we do but its all about why we do.
Find a purpose, find a reason, get your "WHY".

Note: Choice equation courtesy Prof Manish Singhal, XLRI

Sunday, May 18, 2014

In Time and Space all DREAMS are REAL

There are times when we dare to dream. Most of the the times we keep our dreams locked in the closet in a fear of ridicule. There are dreams and then there are reality. Often we do not mix the two up. But then there are people who do follow their dreams. 

If we choose to take a step back and think a bit deep into our thoughts you would realize that everybody is dreaming today at some point of time and there would be someone who would be taking action on their dreams.
In a given time and space , every dream is real and is happening and someone is taking action. If you spare a thought for all the luxuries that we have , someone at some point of time would have thought about it and made it in action and thus we are having the fruits of it. Just imagine , thousands and thousands of years ago , did mankind ever think of electricity, telephone, communication , transport. Not even that , the mankind ridiculed and punished those people who dreamed about these innovations. In case if you do believe these are innovations. Innovation as per dictionary meaning is to create something new , but if you again put in a good thought , there is nothing new in all the innovations, the great inventors have discovered what is there in our planet earth and we mortal humans never thought to take a look at it. The above statement is though not to demean the great inventors , but to just set a perspective that innovation is no big deal if we allow ourselves to dream.
Like our great great ancestors never thought about internet and the great technology evolution but somebody in some corner of this earth dreamt about it and gave the mankind the world in his hand or palm.
The whole point I want to drive around is that we need to believe in our dreams and we need to understand that these dreams no matter how much ridiculous it might look are important and is highly possible that around the world there would be very many others who would be dreaming the same thing. And if you are not taking action on it today then someone would and in time and space it would become real.
Always remember  is its not you today , there is always somebody else tomorrow or day after. 
Lets start today , to beleive , to make happen , to make REAL.

It is important to believe in yourself and your dreams and it is important to live your dreams. It is important to be pursue and relentlessly believe in it and to make it happen.